Watch the short film that has been produced in response to Daphne Wright’s Emotional Archaeology exhibition. Featuring the exhibition programmers, curator and makers of the artwork, discussing their perspectives on the artwork and the show.
“She’ll experiment endlessly and almost destroy enormous numbers of works…. .. and at the point at which she perfects it, she stops and moves onto something else.”
Discover the insights behind the creating of Daphne Wright’s Emotional Archaeology from the curators and makers behind the scenes of the acclaimed survey exhibition here at Arnolfini.
Listen to first-hand perspectives about subversion, destruction and endless experimentation with fragile materials – and why Daphne Wright never was a YBA.
With less than 20 days to go, make sure you take the opportunity to see Emotional Archaeology in person until 31st December 2016.
Produced by Arnolfini in association with CMIR.