Arnolfini and artist Emma Smith present 5Hz – an interactive exhibition that invites audiences to experience a new human language.
5Hz is a project by artist Emma Smith in collaboration with psychologist Laurence White (Plymouth University), cognitive neuroscientist Nina Kazanina and musicologist Emma Hornby (both University of Bristol).
The project was inspired by current research that suggests our voices originally evolved for the purpose of singing and that this allowed our ancient ancestors to bond socially and imagines what we might sound like if our human languages had evolved to prioritise social bonding, instead of communicating instruction.
The exhibition will provide an opportunity for visitors to experience the new language, learn how it evolved and use it themselves. This will include a sound chamber installation where visitors can learn and try the language, an interactive library and research space, fun online experiments and live choral performances.
Join us for the public Exhibition Preview Event on Thursday 19 March for an opportunity to experience 5Hz first. There will be an afterparty in Arnolfini Café Bar from 9pm.