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Arnolfini - est 1961


La Plissure du Texte:

a colloborative story-telling proiect. Arnolfini will be providing access to this international computer project initiated by Roy Ascott, Head of Fine Art at Gwent College of Higher Education. Newport, between 8-23 december. Artists Mike Punt and Kieran Lyons will transmit each evening 6 – 8pm, and will be communicating, via satellite, with other artists in N America and Australia, and they will be happy to answer your questions.

The project is part of an exhibition “ELECTRA 1983” on the theme of art, electronics and electricity at La Musee de I’Art Modern de la Ville de Paris, which opens on december 8. The Canadian Cultural Centre in Paris will be publishing a book on the project (At the time of going to press, Arnolfini’s involvement with the project is still in the process of development).