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Arnolfini - est 1961

A dramatisation of Barry’s current research into an 1980s ghost play, utilising stage directions, borrowed props and Microsoft PowerPoint.

With: Barry Sykes

Performance Schedule:

Thursday 12 September: 6pm-6:30pm

Saturday 14 September: 3pm & 7pm

An installation of the work will be present in Gallery 1 throughout 4 Days, punctuated by a series of performances bookable through our Box Office.

‘It must be told.’

Barry will be examining the various elements that cluster around a long-running theatre production: the repeated advertisements haunting the local press, the small-print and footnotes that surround the published script, the building that has heard 10,000 performances, the ongoing casting decisions, the habits, the adjustments and the regular-as-clockwork gasps of terror. 

Barry’s performance will repeat three times across 4 Days, first as ‘The Preview’ then ‘The Matinee’ and ‘End Of The Run’, each version altering slightly through re-writes, practice and human error.

‘It must be told.’ also forms part of Barry’s larger project The International Hermit Conference, a purposefully subjective and scattershot inquiry into ideas of retreat and immersion, looking at how we choose to relate to each other, inhabit architecture and accommodate contradiction.

Warning: due to the nature of the source material there is a small risk of a fatal curse affecting the first-born of all those who attend this event.

Please note: For the performances you must book your ticket in advance.

This event is being streamed live on This is Tomorrow

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