Billy Bragg & Julian Baggini on Englishness
Mon 14 May 7.30pm
In his book The Progressive Patriot, Billy Bragg provided a brilliant polemic on the meaning of national identity in modern Britain. Here, he talks about Englishness with philosopher Julian Baggini, whose latest book, Welcome to Everytown, details the six months he spent in the outskirts of Rotherham – an area which he feels reflected most accurately the full range of the nations inhabitants.
Mon 14 May 7.30pm
In his book The Progressive Patriot, Billy Bragg provided a brilliant polemic on the meaning of national identity in modern Britain. Here, he talks about Englishness with philosopher Julian Baggini, whose latest book, Welcome to Everytown, details the six months he spent in the outskirts of Rotherham – an area which he feels reflected most accurately the full range of the nations inhabitants.