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Arnolfini - est 1961

Presented by Bristol Old Vic, Eclipse Theatre Company and Royal Exchange Theatre

“We walk. Though we are written into the landscape you don’t see us. We walked England before the English.”

Thomas, Matthew and Richard walk.

They walk the first Saturday of every month. Walking and talking. But this walk…

Maybe they should have cancelled, but they needed the walk today. Out in the Peaks, they find themselves forced to walk backwards through two thousand years before they can move forwards.

Dedicated to the Black Men’s Walking Group, Black Men Walking is the first national tour born from Revolution Mix – a three-year movement that will spearhead the largest ever national delivery of Black British stories. 


8 March – 7.30pm

9 March – 7.30pm

10 March – Matinee 2.30pm, Evening 7.30pm

Book here