A welcome return to Arnolfini by Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, with performances of music for strings and clarinet, inspired by nature and looking forward to Spring.
Artistic Director Stephan Meier writes:
‘Winter departing, the new blossoming, a delightful mystery beyond its mere outer appeal, always seems to tell us something more about life. Our programme puts special focus on Japanese composers, the land of the rising sun, with such a strong tradition of celebrating (cherry) blossom: Toshio Hosokawa going up close to the opening flower, as if catching the sound world of its spreading leaves; Dai Fujikura mixing eternity with sensuality of the moment. Eternal youth seems to be captured by György Ligeti, whose centenary we celebrate in May 2023; his second string quartet isn’t too far from his 2001 A Space Odyssey movie soundtrack contribution’.
The programme, live in the Theatre at Arnolfini from 4pm, will be:
Toshio Hosokawa (* 1955) – Blossoming (2007, 15’), string quartet
Dai Fujikura (* 1977) – Perpetual Spring (2017, 10‘), clarinet and string quartet
Charlotte Bray (* 1982) – Beyond (2013, 4’), violin solo
Hollie Harding – Motion (2018, 6’), cello solo
György Ligeti (1923 – 2006) – String Quartet No. 2 (1968, 20’)
£15 full price, £7.50 concessions
There will also be an extra pop-up performance in our gallery spaces with Garry Fabian Miller’s ADORE as backdrop. From 3pm:
Dai Fujikura (* 1977) – Sakana (2007, 10’), clarinet solo
Dai Fujikura (*1977) – Rubi(co)n (2006, 60s), clarinet solo
Charlotte Bray (*1982) – In Black Light (2018, 8′), viola solo
To whet your appetite, a selection of videos of pieces by some of the composers featuring in ‘Blossoming’ held on the first day of Garry Fabian Miller: ADORE on Saturday 18 February.
A gorgeous solo violin piece by Dai Fujikura, inspired by the dawn – it puts one in mind of the stillness and peace of this time of year, especially outdoors in the landscape. BCMG will present another of his solo instrumental pieces, for clarinet, plus another piece for clarinet with string quartet entitled Perpetual Spring.
You’ll probably have heard György Ligeti’s music, even if you don’t recognise his name, since Stanley Kubrick used it in 2001:Space Odyssey and The Shining. BCMG will be playing one of his string quartets, whereas this video is of a performance of Ramifications, which he wrote for a larger string ensemble. I’ve loved this since I was a student. I’ve often thought it sounds a bit like a frozen stream slowly thawing in the sun, or maybe a hive of bees.
Hollie Harding introducing an ambitious project, Melting, Shifting, Liquid World. Less season-specific, and more focussed on the long terms impacts of climate change on the environment. BCMG will play her Motion for solo cello.