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Arnolfini - est 1961

Friday 24 and Saturday 25 November 8.00pm
Breathing Space 11
Bodies in Flight Theatre & spell #7
Double Happiness, a transport

Kaylene met Ben in a chatroom. Dan visited Marianne’s website. Now it’s double happiness twice over. This web-event and live performance is a collaboration between England’s Bodies in Flight and spell#7 of Singapore. It explores cyber-love with a vibrant mix of text, movement, digital, sonic and video imagery.

Who cares she’s on the other side of the planet, when your text-message finger gets twitchy? Cancel the hotel room: just stay online. Real life’s messy. Do you know where he’s been? Does he? Across continents where differences of language and culture, shoe-size and resistance to disease create turbulence in the flow of information and capital, Double Happiness jacks into the bodies that brave time-zones and economy class to get fleshy with another.

Visit the virtual romances on the web-site as they blossom long-distance, then come and see the lovers perform in the flesh.

Breathing Space enters the growing zone with Bristol’s first live art festival.

Breathing Space offers artists the freedom to explore new ideas, re-energise existing ones and create work that is astounding, provocative and immediate. In forthcoming months, Breathing Space will be on the road, taking work from the south west-based performance artists to the Now Festival Nottingham. Bodies in Flight, Elaine Kordys, Tom Marshman, Uninvited Guests, Matt Hawthorn, Sophia New and Storehouse will return to Arnolfini next year in In-between Time, Bristol’s first live art festival, taking place in venues across Bristol.

For more information, please contact Arnolfini box office and ask to be put on the live mailing list, or write to the Live Department.