Alongside Cosima von Bonin’s Lazy Susan exhibition, we present a weekend of films on the pleasures, and downright hard work – of being idle.
Fri 25 Feb 6.30pm
Double Bill
Ferris Beullers Day Off (15) & Cheech & Chong: Up In Smoke (15)
Matthew Broderick decides to bunk off school, and enlists the help of his neurotic best friend and beautiful girlfriend, heading to Chicago for the day for adventure and hijinks, in the late John Hughes’s hilarious teen comedy.
Dir. John Hughes, USA, 1986, 1h 43m
The cult professional potheads, in their big screen debut, team up for a road trip and end up deported to Mexico. Desperate to get back to the states for their band’s gig later that night, they unwittingly agree to drive a very unique car across the border, with law enforcement officers hot on their tail.
Dir. Lou Adler, USA, 1978, 1h 26m
Sat 26 Feb 4.30pm
Holiday (U)
Carey Grant’s unorthodox plan to go on holiday for the early years of his life is met with skepticism by everyone except for his rich fiancée’s rebellious, eccentric sister (Katharine Hepburn) and long suffering, alcoholic brother. With characteristic ease, Cukor poses big questions in nonchalant forms, in this most stylish of comedies.
Dir. George Cukor, USA, 1938, 1h 35m
Sun 27 Feb 2.30pm
Tati Shorts (U)
Screened on 16mm film, these wonderful shorts from the French master are fun for all the family:
Watch Your Left / Soigne ton Gauche (U)
A country bumpkin tries his luck at boxing and becomes an overnight success. (1936,11m).
School for postmen / L’ecole des Facteurs
A post office official instructs three postmen on how to deliver the mail. (1947,14m).
Evening Classes / Cours du Soir A comedy professor teaches class. (1967, 26m).
Sun 27 Feb 4.00pm
Mon Oncle (U)
Ambivalent about the goal-oriented nature of modern life, Tati’s quirky, indomitable Monsieur Hulot goes against the grain, and wins the affection of his technology-obsessed sister’s child in this brilliant and beautiful satire, which elevates slapstick comedy to the