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Arnolfini - est 1961

Thursday 5 September 8.00pm
Capture on Tour
A stop-motion Swan Lake, an interactive dance sci-fi movie, and some private moments of personal abandon are all part of Capture, a stylish and stimulating introduction to some of the best new dance for screen work. The seven short dance movies showcase the potential of existing and emerging technology in the creation of dance. The programme features Paul Bush’s Pas de deux de deux; Miranda Pennell’s Seven Private Moments; Igloo’s Warstars; Dan O’Neill’s Lapse; Katy Dymoke and Katrina McPherson’s Sense-8; Thomas Gray & Hanna Gillgren’s Love Me Not and Gina Czarnecki and Iona Kewney’s Infected.
Funded by the Arts Council of England.
£4.40 / £3.00 concessions