Children’s Music and Dance Drama Workshop
15 & 16 April
9.45 am to 4.30 pm
Final performance 4.30pm Thursday 16 April
Participants fee £6
Preliminary discussion of workshop
ideas Saturday 11 April 11.15am
Youngsters between the ages of 8 and 16 have the chance to spend two exciting days under the guidance of Deborah Cranston and Martin Kiszko creating their own 15-minute performance of music and dance drama.
The subject will be “Spring”, and those taking part are invited to send any ideas they have on the subject. The dates of this two-day workshop have been timed to fall within the school Easter break.
Tickets available from Deborah Cranston
3 York Gardens, Clifton. Bristol 8
telephone 35279.
Application forms available from
Arnolfini and from the Central Library, College Green.