Using the M32 as a case study, this discussion event looks at the relationship between design and people’s experience of the city. Constructed in the 1970s as the main route from the north into the commercial centre of the city, the M32 cut through the districts of Easton and St Pauls, and has had a significant impact upon the relationship between the two areas. In the struggle over redevelopment in Bristol, this road highlights the impact of city planning and development on a community of people, whose lives have made way for ‘progress’.
This afternoon session will bring together local groups and commentators to discuss projects planned and happening on sites around the M32 motorway, with the aim of articulating shared visions from emerging ideas.
Presented by Arnolfini and the Architecture Centre as part of The Promise and the Bridge150 season.
The Bridge150 season at the Architecture Centre celebrates ingenuity and creativity in engineering, supported by The Royal Academy of Engineering.
The Promise is an exhibition project about the relationship between a city and its residents that takes place in the galleries as well as in the city of Bristol itself.