Join photographer John and illustrator Anne Bebbington on a boat tour to the Floating Ballast Seed Garden, where they will demonstrate how they work together, using both photography and botanical illustration to unravel and record the structure, science and beauty of plants.
John and Anne Bebbington have worked for the Field Studies Council (FSC) leading natural history courses. John, a zoologist, is an experienced photographer while illustration has always played an important role in Anne’s work as a field botanist.
This event has been part funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) through the AHRC Cultural Engagement Fund pilot scheme, working with Arnolfini Research Associate Catherine Hunt, University of Bristol. Catherine has put together a programme of events which engage with themes arising from the Floating Ballast Seed Garden, especially migration, the movement of plants, seeds and soil, and the trading history of Bristol and its legacy.
Tour leaves from Arnolfini. Booking required via Arnolfini box office.
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