With: Eric Satie
Erik Satie died 50 years ago. We present three informal early evening concerts In conjunction with the gallery exhibition of Satie’s scores and drawings, June 24-july 12 (see gallery information). On march 8 1920, music by Satie was played at an exhibition with the following introduction: – “We present for the first time, under the supervision of MM Erik Satie and Darius Milhaud, “furnishing music”. We beg you to take no notice of it and to behave as if the music did not exist. This music …..claims to make its contribution to life in the same way as a
private conversation, a picture, or the chair on which you may or may not be seated. . . ” (‘Erik Satie’ – Hollo Myers}. Each programme at Arnolfinl is centred round an area of Satie’s composition, with support from composers who relate to his era and attitudes. We hope within the exhibition context to recreate something akin to the conceptions of Satie’s music and ideas. Saturday 21 June 7pm – during the exhibition preview (open to all), Alison Horriben (soprano) sings excerpts from ‘Socrate’ and ‘Trois Melodies’ by Satie; ‘Trois Poemes de Mallarme’ by Debussy tuesday 1 July 7pm Students from Filton Technical College play chamber works including ‘Gymnopedie no. 1’ (arr. for bassoon, guitar and cello) by Satie; ‘Suite for violin, clarinet and piano’ by Milhaud Saturday 12 July 7pm Richard Hall and Jane Wells play piano duets including ‘Trois Morceaux en Forme de Poire’, ‘Apercus Desagreables’ ‘En habit de cheval’ by Satie; and a selection from Debussy, Faure, Constant Lambert and Stravinsky. ADMISSION FREE TO SATIE PROGRAMMES. Duration about 40 mins.