Opening night for the audio-visual installation event bringing together Jana Winderen’s Evaporation and Lawrence English and Werner Dafeldecker’s Fell with Eric Holm presenting his debut album, Andøya.
6.00pm – 8.00pm, Installation, Dark Studio
Evaporation and Fell: Jana Winderen, Lawrence English and Werner Dafeldecker
8.00pm – 9.00pm, Live AV Performance, Auditorium, £8/6concs
Andøya: Eric Holm
9.00pm – 11.00pm, DJ, Cafe Bar
Experimental selections from Gramrcy
Andøya: Eric Holm
London based American electronic musician Eric Holm presents his debut album, Andøya, at Arnolfini in an intimate live audio-visual performance. The work brings together a collection of recordings produced on the arctic island of Andøya, an outpost 300 kilometers north of the arctic circle.
Developed entirely from a single contact mic recording from a remote telegraph pole that connects the island’s array of military listening stations, Holm crafts a detailed expansion of this solitary sonic moment, shaping the sound into an immersive meditation on man, nature and isolation. The telegraph pole connected to a seemingly endless network of traversing lines harnesses the dense ambiance of the landscape, both absorbing and distilling the essence of Andøya’s harsh beatific character, and considers the position of microphone as witness within a vast cycle of physical transition and terrestrial flux.
The album sonically frames Holm’s adept technical crafting of his source material, bringing to mind both the glacial recordings of Chris Watson and the expansive mechanised textures of classic Chain Reaction. The live event will include a film by Emptyset‘s James Ginzburg.
Born in New Jersey, Holm emigrated to England in 2000 where he developed a keen interest in electronic and experimental music. His work utilises field recordings and experimentation with virtual process engines of his own design.
Richard Long: TIME AND SPACE
This event accompanies the major exhibition TIME AND SPACE by Richard Long at Arnolfini, that explores the artist’s enduring relationship with the landscape of Bristol and the South West – a starting point for so many of his iconic works. This exhibition will bring together recreations of previous important works and entirely new commissions, both in the gallery and on The Downs, where the artist spent much of his childhood. The programme of events that accompanies the exhibition and offsite commission includes walks, talks and performances.