A magical morning of fantastic stories and fabulous tales, inspired by Fluffy Library with Drag Queen Story Time’s Pom Pom.
“Anything that makes the children proud of who they are, and want to act or read out loud, anything that builds their confidence, is perfect.”
Drag Queen Story Time is exactly as it sounds. Drag Queens read stories to children, capturing the imagination and fun of the gender fluidity of childhood, while giving children glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. By providing spaces in which kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions, Drag Queen Story Time allows them to imagine the world in which people can present as they wish.
This event takes place on Fluffy, an ageless, gender-fluid, snow-white sprawling beast that has taken up residence in our Front Room. Read more about Fluffy Library here.
Tickets are free but booking is essential.
All our family events aim to be welcoming and accessible to all. If there are ways we can make our events more accessible for you or your children please contact information.assistant@arnolfini.org.uk
There is wheelchair access throughout the building. We can provide padded seating upon request. We have accessible and gender neutral toilets and a designated quiet space. There is a hearing loop by request in advance.
The nearest parking spaces for blue badge parking is at the Grove car park.