Kayza Rose & Campbell X (QTIPOC Family) present this new film – weaving together QTIPOC stories as part of a day/night celebration of queer communities.
The Bristol debut screening of VISIBLE, directed by Campbell X and produced by Kayza Rose, sets the tone for the night. VISIBLE digs in and shreds misconceptions that LGBTQ+ people of colour have no history – and no story to tell. Weaving together the tales of inspirational ancestors, contemporary artists, political activists, and community leaders – VISIBLE challenges mainstream perception and the sanitisation of LGBTQ+ legacies by celebrating complexity, multiplicity, and the myths, gossips, legends, and truths of QTIPOC histories.
Following this workshop, Campbell and Kayza lead a workshop with local organisers about spaces for LGBTQI+ people in Bristol. Are there enough? Are they the best they can be? Join to have your say.
This workshop is an exciting opportunity to build connections and forge collaborations with the expanding work of the ‘Family’
Following the screening of VISIBLE, Thorny and Arnolfini present a performance by leading non-binary artists, ALOK & Travis Alabanza – with DJs rounding out the night in the Arnolfini Cafe/Bar.
Read more about ALOK & Travis Alabanza here.