Saturday 17 June 8.00pm
Forced Entertainment
Emanuelle Enchanted
In the summer when the rain stopped it rained for five months and then a silence fell like wed woken in silence from a dream.. For the first time in eight years Forced Entertainment is touring its seminal performance, Emanuelle Enchanted. On its stark wooden stage backed with a curtain of electric stars, five misfits remember how the whole world changed and how they somehow lived to tell the tale. It is a milestone in the development of Forced Entertainments work a portrait of the world gripped by a strange night crisis, at once personal, political and magical. From a chaotic TV newsroom through a swirling choreography of plywood walls, to a vast crowd spelled out using cardboard signs and a store of jumble sale clothes, Emanuelle Enchanted shows Forced Entertainment at its exuberant and challenging best. Touching and very funny The Times
£6.00/£4.00 concessions