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Arnolfini - est 1961

Mar – Jun
GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN is a young experimental performance company with an interest in failure, amateurism, improvisation, found objects, found texts, duration, the art of lying, communicating across distances, and mess (to name a few things!). They will be throwing themselves into events at Arnolfini responding to The Apparatus theme and developing a new work for presentation in June. Look out for impromptu activity from March to June in addition to the events listed here.

Family Event
Sat 26 Mar 12.00 – 4.00pm
Join the company for an afternoon of drop in activities which explore how we store and talk about our memories.

140 characters (or less)
Mon 21 Mar – Thu 21 Apr
Café Bar / Twitter Daily
Follow GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN live on twitter as the company deconstruct their performance making and generate new performance texts. Watch the work developing on screen in the comfort of the Café Bar.

Performance Tour of Cosima von Bonin
Sat 9 Apr 2.00pm – 3.00pm
Experience an alternative tour of Cosima von Bonin’s exhibition with GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN.