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Arnolfini - est 1961

An Arnolfini Live Breathing Space commission. Supported by Tramway, Glasgow, Manchester Multimedia Centre and Nuffield Theatre Southampton.
£3.00/£2.00 concessions

Monday 6 – Friday 24 August 2001
Goat Island Summer School: Bristol 2001
Renowned Chicago-based performance group Goat Island are returning to host an international Summer School. Like last year’s hugely successful school, this will be an intensive performance workshop for artists from a range of disciplines. The school is hosted by Arnolfini Live, Dance Services SW and University of Bristol Department of Drama. Subject to confirmation, application details will be available in June. To join the mailing list, please contact: Kyra Norman at Dance Services 20-22 Hepburn Road Bristol BS2 8UD. Tel: 0117 907 1185 Fax: 0117 907 1186. Email: Website: