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Arnolfini - est 1961

An exhibition of archived materials and recent publications by Good Press, Glasgow in our Reading Room.

Good Press is a book shop and project space based in Glasgow. It was formed in the autumn of 2011 by the Museums Press as a new space for artists’ publishing, with an emphasis on creating a supportive organisation committed to book-based projects. Good Press has a firm belief in DIY activity, and stocks hundreds of self and independently published books, zines, prints, comics, newspapers and other printed items from individuals and publishers from around the world.

Good Press have provided a fascinating catalogue of their projects together with a selection of recent publications which can be viewed in the Reading Room. Besides showcasing completed pieces, the exhibition is also intended as a satellite for current Good Press activity, and will include a ‘dummy’ of the sixth in a line of collaborative publications, as well as ephemera from a new gallery project ‘The Stool’.

To accompany Good Press’s printed output, an ongoing conceptual piece entitled ‘An Essay On The Nature Of Independent Activities and Fairness’ will be displayed through a series of posters, while a re-imagining of the Arnolfini artists’ book collection will be developed throughout the course of the exhibition.