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Arnolfini - est 1961

In this Fringe First winning show, poet Hannah Jane Walker and Chris Thorpe examine the poetic guts of mistakes in a bundle of words and strip lighting.

Tickets are currently available for Tuesday and Thursdays performances. Wednesdays performances are now sold out.

Screwing up is the truest, funniest, most terrifying moment you can experience. You will make a mistake, maybe you’ll learn from it. The oh fuck moment is a conversation around a desk for brave souls to hold their hands up and admit they screwed up, or for people to laugh at us because we did.

“a brilliant celebration of our mistakes & evolutionary reflexes” Lyn Gardner, The Guardian ****

Please note
Audiences for this performance are asked to arrive at Arnolfini 15 minutes before the show start time. Latecomers will not be admitted.

Performance duration: 70 minutes.