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Arnolfini - est 1961

Sat 7 Nov
Aion Presentation 2.00pm / £3.00
Labyrinthitis Performance 7.30pm / £6.00/£5.00 concs
The innovative Touch artist presents some of his most distinctive projects, each working with radically different source materials and scales. In the afternoon, Jacob will present and discuss his Aion project, an evocative sonic and visual installation that considers time, absence and change, created in spaces within the Tarkovskian ‘Zone of Exclusion’ in Chernobyl, Ukraine. Then in the evening Kirkegaard turns ears inwards with a live performance of Labyrinthitis, his acclaimed interactive sound piece which is built upon ‘Tartini tones’ – sounds generated in the artist’s own ears – layered into a composition which evokes further distortion effects in the ears of his listeners. The Wire chose Labyrinthitis as one of the 10 best releases of 2008.