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Arnolfini - est 1961

Exhibition tour led by Dr Katrina Mitcheson of the Philosophy Department, UWE

Joëlle Tuerlinckx has been described as a conceptual artist, yet at the same time the materiality of her work draws comment. By exploring the importance of the material objects and visual images in Tuerlinkx’s work, and the audience experience of them, we will explore the role of the material in conceptual work, and at the same time engage with what is meant by conceptual art.

 Katrina Mitcheson is Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of the West of England. She is currently working on a book, Visual Art and Projects of the Self, for Edinburgh University Press and has previously published on Film Philosophy, the Philosophy of Photography, Nietzsche and Foucault. 

The most comprehensive presentation of her work in the UK to date, WOR(L)D(K) IN PROGRESS? offers an overview of the artists’ practice from the past 20 years, along with newly produced works. For the exhibition, Tuerlinckx revisits several of her past projects and integrates elements of these in a new installation that serves as an overview of the artist’s career to date.

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