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Arnolfini - est 1961

A participatory six hour silent meditation workshop with curated tea break.

With: Leslie Kulesh

“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.” Wittgenstein

Leslie Kulesh will lead a six hour silent meditation with public participants. The workshop will include an introduction by the artist, who will be present in the space meditating alongside participants throughout the day. The six hours will be populated by a specially curated tea service that will provide a silent break within in the performance, allowing meditators to interact without voice. This performance allows it’s participants the unique opportunity to disconnect from both the digital and analog worlds in a safe, guided environment for an extended amount of time.

Participants are asked to enjoy silent meditation for the complete 6 hour performance. Tea and a light vegan, gluten free food will be served two and four hours into performance. Meditation will take place in a quiet, private setting with washroom access and a secure cloakroom for participants belongings.

Please note that places for this workshop are limited and booking in advance is recommended. Please call Box Office on 0117 917 2300 or use the ‘book’ button above.

This event is part of Total Vitality, a project by Leslie Kulesh and Laura McLean-Ferris exploring changing conceptions of mind, body, wellness and physical experience in a highly technologised age.