Celebrating all forms of moving digital poetry Liberated Words presents a day of International screenings and discussion and an evening of films specially created for the festival in response to poems by Philip Gross, Jo Bell, John Fluffypunk and Lucy English. Special guests include T S Eliot Prize winning poet Philip Gross and award winning Bristol-based artist and filmmaker Joe Magee
Liberated Words began life in July 2012 as the joint initiative of poet and novelist Lucy English and digital arts writer Sarah Tremlett to establish an annual poetry film or video poetry event in the UK.
Bristol Poetry Festival presents a programme of readings, performances and poetry activities at Arnolfini and across the city bringing together a mix of the most entertaining, inspirational and award winning poets and performers from Bristol, the south west, the UK and beyond.
Download the Liberated Words Programme here
For further information about other events in the city during the festival please see Poetry Can’s website www.poetrycan.co.uk