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Arnolfini - est 1961

Good Shit From Bristol – Live Art Weekender & 3 Minute Warning

Sat 12 Jan 10.00am – 11.00pm & Sun 13 Jan from 3.00pm

A season of ‘made in Bristol’ live and dance work from eight emerging artists who performed at Arnolfini’s 2007 open platform.

Steve Robins


Sat 12 Jan, 10.00am – 11.00pm

Foyer & Light Studio Free

For one year Steve Robins worked out, read the news and wrote a journal: Coinage is the result. Self-loathing and self-love compete for prominence and sit in uneasy proximity with current affairs. There’s a little humour, and partial nudity. Expect a lot of words, an awful lot of words. Steve Robins, Coinage

Pete Barrett

Enough Rope

Sat 12 Jan, 3pm – 4pm

Arnolfini Bookshop


Peter Barrett is an artist and poet who likes making life difficult for himself. In Arnolfini Bookshop, Barrett will bind his legs in knotted rope then attempt to make it home through Bristol’s streets. In this uncomfortable state of bondage, the artist will play out a public spectacle of self-imposed punishment.

Michael David Jones

Define Me

Sat 12 Jan, 4.00pm – 6.00pm Dark Studio

1:1 performance in 5 min slots

Final work will be displayed for general viewing from 6.30pm – 7.00pm

Free Booking Essential

Rather than seeing the self as a fixed thing, encased by the limits of the skin, Jones suggests the exciting possibility that the self can be endlessly recreated through engagement and interaction. In this subtle one-to-one performance, audience members will be asked to make their own marks, inscriptions and judgments onto the artist’s body. By giving over responsibility for his identity, the artist invites the audience to construct a new ‘self’ for him.

Peoples In Pieces

15 Storms In A Teacup

Sat 12 Jan, 4.30pm & 5.30pm

£3.00/£2.00 Concs or Free with an Evening Ticket

Limited Capacity – Booking Essential

Arnolfini Associate Artists, Peoples in Pieces make poetic work that contrasts the mundane with the quietly spectacular. Enter their world of kitchen-sink science as they attempt to capture the weather in a jar. Struggling to make their experiments work, they toy with the impossible, guide the audience through the darkness and give advice on surviving disasters.

Shi Ker

Down To The Earth

Sat 12 Jan, 5.00pm – apx. 6.30pm

Between back of Jury’s Hotel And Arnolfini

Cliff-climbing, the ode to the vibes of life itself, the game of brave ones, of riskers and adventurers, of conquerors and protesters, of those who are pissed off by something in their life. Go find a place and grit your teeth, start to climb. One hundred metres is not a long way to go.