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Arnolfini - est 1961

Friday 1 – Sunday 3 March
Doran George
Since 1986
Fri 1 Mar 10.00am – 7.00pm Installation (open to everyone)
Fri 1 Mar 7.00pm talk (see below)
Fri 1 Mar 8.00pm Part 1
Sat 2 Mar 3.00pm – 6.00pm Part 2
Sun 3 Mar 6.00pm Part 3
In 1986, a teenager on the verge of discovering his sexuality has his first sexual encounter with a recently separated husband and father on the verge of middle age. There follows a 16-year connection and a deeply ambivalent emotional bond. In Since 1986, they return to their connection to re-negotiate it as an art practice, re-constructing and ritualising significant events and fantasies as attempts to work with and make evident the complexity of their very human struggle. This series of events invites you to follow the men progressively deeper into the process of their relationship. In Part 1, encounter letters and recordings of actions already carried out. Part 2 is a marking of the past, present and future. In Part 3 you will be
invited to attend and contribute to a burning of the materials used in the work.

This work contains material of a sexual nature.
For further information prior to booking please contact the box office. Age limit 16.