Inspired by the self-aggrandising of boxers at the pre-fight weigh in, Slap Talk is a verbal sparring match that is both a linguistic version of the fight itself and a reflection upon the violence present in everyday language.
Speaking to each other and to the audience via a live feed from a camera to a monitor, the performers rant, insult and threaten each other in a scripted version of a pre-fight press conference crossed with a 24-hour rolling news channel.
Over 6 hours, an autocue scrolls a continuous barrage of passive aggressive violence of lovers talking, the hard sell of a shopping channel, the anger of the fire and brimstone preacher, the subtle violence of middle class one-upmanship. The audience are free to enter and leave at any time during the performance.
Developed with the support of Caravan and BIOS, Athens. Slap Talk began in The Darkroom, China Plate’s development space for writing and performance. Action Hero are supported by Theatre Bristol’s Company Producer, Mel Scaffold.
An interview with Slaptalk and Mayfest: