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Arnolfini - est 1961

Using On Kawara’s iconic series I Got Up, produced between 1968 and 1979, we are invited you to contribute to a collaborative new work that we can produce in tribute to Kawara, and should be achievable whilst in lockdown.

For I Got Up, On Kawara sent a postcard with an image of where he was each day to two different friends, family, collectors or colleagues, that detailed the time he got up and his location. The postcard images were always in landscape and were the usual tourist style images.

As part of MiniBABE we are invited audiences to take part in a collaborative tribute to his original work. On Thursday 7th May 2020, we invited you to post on Twitter and/or Instagram a landscape format picture of where you got up that day, accompanied with the text I got up at… followed by the time you got up, where you were and addressed to @ArnolfiniArts using the hashtag #igotuparnolfini.

‘Got up’ could be interpreted in any way you saw fit and your location could be as specific as you felt comfortable posting online, we just asked you put city/town/village as minimum. Your image could be a photograph, drawing, painting etc. Done by yourselves or found imagery (with permissions sought if necessary).

We did not seek to recreate On Kawara’s work or indeed his concept. Rather, we are used his work as inspiration to make a collaborative work while we are all in isolation. Your responses were collated by using the hashtag #igotuparnolfini and by using this search term, anyone can view the ‘postcards’ on Twitter and Instagram.

We have included a selection below…

From Twitter:

From Instagram: