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Arnolfini - est 1961

SOLO PIANO RECITAL Wednesday 10 October 8pm

plus introductory talk 7pm

tickets £2.50 students claimants OAPs £2

subscriber price £1.50

Bartok Sonata (1926)

Debussy Preludes from book I (1910)

Janet Graham Persephone

Messlaen Canteyodjaya

Stockhausen Klavierstuck XIII “Lucifer’s Dream”

“A performance of the calibre of Philip Mead’s at the Purcell Rooms… must qualify as a landmark in the history of the work.”

Music and Musicians – (review of Messiaen’s Vingt Regards.)

Philip Mead, one of Britain’s foremost interpreters of 20th century piano repertoire, has made a special study of Stockhausen’s piano music, and his programme traces some fascinating links. The strident dissonances and powerful Hungarian folk rhythms of the Bartok Sonata are at opposite poles to the subtle atmospheric clouds of Debussy’s Preludes. Yet both composers helped to liberate the piano from its past to discover a rich new palette of colours and textures. Messiaen’s virtuosic “Canteyodjaya” is a collage of exotic oriental rhythms, rich cloying harmonies, brilliant cascades and monumental blocks of sound. In Stockhausen’s 13th Piano Piece, the resonances are as magical as Debussy.

Part of the Regional Contemporary Music Circuit