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Arnolfini - est 1961

Presented as part of Bristol Artists Book Event #BABE2019 | In this event, Jeremy will read from his text (including the hidden poem) and will also explore how the design and function of IN RETAIL relates to the artists’ books he produces as Hazard Press.

Jeremy Dixon’s debut poetry collection, IN RETAIL, was published by Arachne Press in February 2019. The poems were inspired by his part-time job in a High Street pharmacy chain.

Venue – Dark Studio, Level 2, Arnolfini.


Hazard Press is run by Jeremy Dixon, who lives outside Cardiff making Artist’s Books that combine poetry, photography, queerness, individuality, compassion and humour. His poems have appeared in Found Poetry Review, HIV Here & Now, Liberty Tales, Lighthouse Journal, Really System, Roundyhouse and other magazines both online and in print. He was commended in the Cafe Writers Competition 2016. His debut poetry collection IN RETAIL was published by Arachne Press in February 2019.


Bristol Artists Book Event (BABE 2019) is a biennial festival featuring the work of bookmakers and small presses from around the world. With more than 100 makers taking part, and prices starting from just a few pounds, there will be something for everyone. Presented by Arnolfini, with Sarah Bodman (Centre for Fine Print Research, University of the West of England) and Tom Sowden (Bath School of Art and Design, Bath Spa University).