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Arnolfini - est 1961

Reckless Sleepers

The Pilots – a Work-In-Progress

Thu 28 Feb 7.30pm


People often talk about what they will be, not what they are e.g. “When I get married…When I buy a house…When I’m earning enough…”. Almost as if they don’t exist yet, people seem to be afraid of being who they are right now.

In June 2006 Mole Wetherell and Tim Ingram began ‘a map of everywhere I’ve never been to’. They started by drawing maps of places that they’d never visited, and imagining those places completely out of their reach, places that weren’t like here. They drew a line from where they started and where they wanted to be. In The Pilots Wetherell and Ingram try to find out who we really are, where exactly we are in the world, which page we are on and what our motivation is…

The Pilots is a new piece written by Mole Wetherell for Reckless Sleepers.