Friday 16 May Sunday 6 July
Recognition: Part One
Anna Barriball and David Musgrave
David Musgrave and Anna Barriball share an interest in drawing, but use this means of working in different ways. Their modest approach to art-making involves the use of diverse media, including graphite, perspex and light, and it results in work that is minimally present; the quiet product of intensive labour. David Musgraves anthropomorphic forms tantalise our desire to find the human in what we see. They often result from a process of visual translation: a figure made in tape is deformed and then rendered in paint; putty becomes photocopy, becomes biro marks. Anna Barriballs drawings arise from interactions with everyday objects, from kitchen tables to rubber balls, in which she uses drawing as a form of physical communication. Her dialogues result in works that question the objects that surround us whilst making previously ignored histories recognisable.