Saturday 19 July Sunday 21 September
Recognition: Part Two
Edwina Ashton and David Mackintosh
Again, the first opportunity to see a major body of the artists work, Recognition: Part Two brings together two artists who share an engagement with drawing that centres on the potential of the pictorial image to mix bleak isolation and dark humour into a compelling exploration of the human condition.
David Mackintosh creates simple drawings with a brush and black gouache, which are sometimes translated into large marquetry panels or basic plywood sculptures. Their visual immediacy contrasts with the bleakness of their worldview: brooding fiends sit next to melancholy clowns, the machinery of war mixes with urban banality; and the natural world is overwritten with misanthropic slogans.
In contrast to Mackintoshs stark consistency, Ashtons universe is warped and beautiful by turns, brought to life in an energetic combination of fluid watercolour, nervous pen-work and precise pencil studies. Her world is populated with animals and individuals who through their physical and psychological isolation demonstrate the failure of our struggle to successfully interact.
The exhibitions by all four artists will be documented in a book to be published in September.
Recognition is curated by Simon Morrissey and Arnolfini.