Organised by Bath Spa University’s Seeing Sound symposium, this informal afternoon ‘salon’ will focus on the legacy of Norman McLaren’s innovative experiments with ‘hand-drawn’ or ‘animated’ sound, with the aim of introducing a wider, non-specialist audience to his role in the development of synthetic sound, electronic ‘visual music’, and experimental animation.
It will feature the first UK screening of a new documentary, Norman McLaren: Animated Musician (2014, 27 mins) by Donald McWilliams, as well as a selection of McLaren films and talks by experts such as Nichola Dobson (University of Edinburgh, author of Between the Frames, a new book on McLaren forthcoming from Scarecrow Press), Aimee Mollaghan (Huston School of Film & Digital Media, Galway) and Jo Hyde and Richard Stamp (Bath Spa University), whose Seeing Sound symposium showcases research in the field of audio-visual music, performance and experimental animation. McLaren the Musician will situate his considerable influence within electronic music and experimental animation, underlining the on-going relevance of his legacy for musicians and filmmakers alike.
McLaren the Musician is a series of events exploring the legacy of Scottish born animator, Norman McLaren (1914–1987). In association with Seeing Sound, Bath Spa University. Part of MCLAREN 2014.
To view the full programme for Encounters Festival 2014, check the website