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Arnolfini - est 1961

Smaller displays in the galleries between major exhibitions
Thursday 21 to Sunday 24 November
Iain Sinclair: London Orbital
In London Orbital (Granta £25) Iain Sinclair sets out to map the vast, uncharted area of urban settlement outside the ‘territory’ he has made his own but bounded by the ‘collar’ of the M25. Iain’s circumnavigations reveal a history of forgotten villages, suburban utopias and hellish asylums now transformed into upmarket housing. Visual material collaged together for Iain’s walks by artists including Emma Matthews, Effie Paleologou, Liat Uziel, Pinky Ghundale, Renchi Bicknell, and Sea (Sara + Emmanuel) will be exhibited in the small upstairs gallery. Iain Sinclair’s works include Lights Out for the Territory, and Landor’s Tower.
Exhibition free

Talk: Thursday 21 November 7.00pm
Iain will read from and discuss his new book, which will be followed at 8.30pm by a screening of London Orbital (cert tba)
Dir Chris Petit, Iain Sinclair UK 2002 75m
Talk and Screening £5.00 / £3.00 concessions. Advance booking recommended