Thursday 7 December 7.00pm
Smoking in Bed: Bruce Robinson in Conversation
Plus screening: Withnail and I 8.40pm
To celebrate the publication of Smoking in Bed (Bloomsbury £12.99) Bruce Robinson, in conversation with Alistair Owen, will talk about his career, including his acting, writing and directing. The discussion will be followed by a screening of Robinsons cult classic Withnail & I, which he wrote and directed. His screenplay for The Killing Fields was nominated for an academy award and his first novel The Peculiar Memories of Thomas Penman was published in 1998 to great acclaim. Alistair Owen first interviewed Bruce Robinson for Epigram while studying drama at Bristol University. He has directed plays in the USA and for the Edinburgh Fringe and contributes regularly to the Independent on Sunday.
£4.20 / £3.00 concessions