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Arnolfini - est 1961

The University of the West of England Graphic Arts presents a showcase and talks from three vibrant artists working in and beyond the field of motion design.

Hazel Brill’s work spans video, animation, sound, sculpture, text and performance. Employing melodrama and absurdity, Brill looks at tensions between agency, control, fact and fiction. Her works combine disparate contexts, playing with storytelling in popular culture with reference to techniques of seduction and corporate language.

Libby Heaney creates moving image works, performances and interactive experiences encompassing quantum computing, virtual reality, AI and installation. Heaney’s work uses diverse media and modes like blurring, combining, remixing, weaving, to unsettle standard conceptions of ‘truth’.

Tina Touli is an award winning international studio working across moving image, branding and interactive design. Touli is known for merging the physical and the digital world, combining the cutting edge with traditional techniques and media.