Presented by The Architecture Centre | A ‘modest masterpiece’, this is ‘architecture in its purest, most environmentally and socially-conscious form’. Presenting the winners of the 2019 RIBA Stirling Prize, Mikhail Riches.
Awarded annually to the ‘UK’s Best Building’, the RIBA judges selected Goldsmith Street, Norwich, for the 2019 Stirling Prize. In an era of climate emergency, and amidst a crisis in affordable housing, Goldsmith Street estate has been heralded as a ‘beacon of hope’ for its environmental credentials.
This exemplary design comprises the largest Passivhaus scheme in the UK. An update of the terraced house in a neighbourly layout, these low-rise, high-density homes are genuinely affordable to rent and run.
The 2019 RIBA Stirling Prize Judges, chaired by Julia Barfield said:
‘Goldsmith Street is a modest masterpiece. It is high-quality architecture in its purest most environmentally and socially-conscious form. Behind restrained creamy façades are impeccably-detailed, highly sustainable homes – an incredible achievement for a development of this scale. This is proper social housing, over ten years in the making, delivered by an ambitious and thoughtful council. These desirable, spacious, low-energy properties should be the norm for all council housing.’
Join architects David Mikhail and Annalie Riches for a fascinating exploration into this project, 11 years in the making.
About the Event
This event warmly welcomes both general audiences with an interest in the world around them, and sector professionals keen to hear from the winning team.
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