Saturday 16 March 11.00am – 6.30pm
The Marked Symposium
A one day symposium addressing issues about the processes, practices and representation of radical art from the 1960s to today. The day will include presentations from Patrick Campbell, co-author (with Helen Spackman) of With/out An-aesthetic, the Terrible Beauty of Franko B and Jennifer Blessing, Curator, Guggenheim Museum, New York including the exhibition and award-winning catalogue Rrose is a Rrose is a Rrose: Gender Performance in Photography. Panel and audience discussions include debate on the explicit and shifting readings of the artists body in relation to evolving political, cultural and social agendas. The day will also investigate privacy, intimacy and autobiography in art, the relationship between the modern institution and the implications of documenting and archiving challenging performance. Contributors to the discussions include Robert Ayers, Lois Keidan (Live Art Development Agency), Antonia Payne (Wolverhampton University) and artists Jian Jun Xi, Yuan Cai, Andrew Quick, Doran George, Kira O’Reilly and Jordan McKenzie.
£16.00/£9.00 concessions