How can we create liveable, sustainable cities? Can Bristol help define the anatomy of a green capital?
This keynote event in the Architecture Centre’s Living City season brings together leading practitioners from the design, health and sustainability fields to discuss how we can maximise the potential of Bristol’s year as European Green Capital in 2015.
Each speaker will give a short presentation followed by a discussion chaired by Marcus Grant (WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments at the University of the West of England).
The panel of speakers are as follows:
Angela Raffle (Public Health Consultant / Bristol Food Policy Council) on food;
Alex Minshall (Bristol City Council) on air quality;
Bevis Watts (Avon Wildlife Trust) on city ecosystems;
Simon Roberts (Centre for Sustainable Energy) on renewable energy production;
Bob Asquith (New Earth Solutions) on waste and recycling;
Craig White (White Design) on innovation and making;
Dr Suzanne Audrey (University of Bristol) on walking;
Andy Gibbins (City Design Group, Bristol City Council) on placemaking.
More information about the Architecture Centre’s Living City exhibition can be found here.
This is a free event. Booking is recommended to avoid disappointment.