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Arnolfini - est 1961

Exposing the traffickers behind the rhino horn trade and the corruption that makes it possible.

The Poacher’s Pipeline doesn’t just tell the story of rhino poaching. Instead this groundbreaking documentary reveals the global syndicates that fuel the illegal killing. It’s a trail that leads beyond the criminals to a South African minister, diplomats and even the delegation of the Chinese Premier.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with reporter Deborah Davies. 

Qatar, 48 mins
Al Jazeera Media Network
Nominated for: Terra Mater Factual Studios Impact Award

WARNING: Contains scenes that some audiences may find distressing

DELEGATES: Week/day ticket holders don’t need to purchase tickets to screenings as they’re included in your delegate pass. But since capacity is limited, you do need to book a ticket in advance of this screening via Tickets are available on a first-come-first-served basis.