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Arnolfini - est 1961

Arnolfini in partnership with creativeShiftCIC and Get Well Get On is offering small to medium sized businesses free Arts for Wellbeing sessions to support employee health and wellbeing.

Get Well Get On is a Bristol project that provides support for small or medium sized employers, staff and individuals who have a mental health or physical (musculoskeletal) health need affecting them at work. They offer information and advice to help individuals and employers to manage health at work, make recommendations for reasonable adjustments to job roles or workplaces, and offer tailored return-to-work plans; all with no diagnosis required. The focus of the project is on job retention.

For the Get Well Get On programme Bristol City Council and the Richmond Fellowship are partnering using The Work and Health Challenge Fund to provide a new, innovative system of support for individuals and employers in Bristol which provides work capacity advice and support. Through supporting the community in a job retention context, the project is going to feedback its findings to the DWP in the hope of evidencing the need for more supportive and inclusive governmental change.


creativeShiftCIC are part of the Bristol Arts on Referral alliance. 

They are one of the leading organisations providing Arts on Referral programmes aimed at promoting & protecting Health & Wellbeing.

Sessions are for anyone wanting to improve their wellbeing and social interaction and are particularly beneficial for people who are suffering from stress, with low mood or depression, coping with pain, facing loss, life change or are socially isolated.

These relaxed and friendly group art sessions led by an experienced creativeShift artist on referral practitioner, focus on creativity and wellbeing. Participants come along to explore and develop their own creativity and learn new skills at their own pace.

All materials provided. No previous arts experience is necessary.

The sessions will take place in Arnolfini’s Light Studio:


Thursday 23rd January  9.30am – 11.30am

Thursday 30th January  12.30pm – 2.30pm

Thursday 30th January  5.30pm – 7.30pm