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Arnolfini - est 1961

With mass unemployment of 18-25 year olds, joining the Armed Forces is becoming an attractive job opportunity and a way of getting further training. But would you consider joining up?

Is the way the forces market themselves accurate and morally right? And is it about fighting wars, serving your country or just getting a job?

The panel will include James Wharton, author of ‘Out in the Army’ who will talk about what it was like to be a gay soldier coming out in the Armed Forces (@jameswharton). Becky Mead, #YoungArnolfini member, will share her experience of being the partner of someone serving in the Forces. Plus, Lieutenant Colonel Ben Tomkins who has been a regular officer for 25 years. For the past 2, he has been the Commanding Officer of Bristol’s Officer Training Corps, charged with developing university undergraduates to be future leaders. He will be talking about current recruitment procedure and what training for the Forces actually offers.

Inspired by Bristol Festival of Ideas, Young Arnolfini and Salaam Shalom Youth Council have teamed up again, curating a unique platform allowing young people to share ideologies and philosophies with a panel of speakers, including young people representatives.

After the success of the last YPFoI series on ‘Pornography and the Public’, ‘the Power of Social Media’, and ‘Class and Education’ make sure to reserve your seat now.

A collaboration between Festival of Ideas, Salaam Shalom Youth Council and Young Arnolfini and part of Bristol 2014.